Content :: artworks, essays, poems by Mireille Astore :: Karim Lebnan's Thesis for the Master of Studies :: article by Saadi Nikro:: Ashraf Osman's Thesis preparation book :: Site Map :: Activity Map :.
:: Mireille Astore | Artist, Writer
"Tampa" is a sculpture and performance about the plight of recent refugees in Australia. It references the Tampa incident where refugees fleeing wars and persecution in a small leaking boat were intercepted by the Australian Army following their rescue by the Norwegian ship "Tampa". related Essay
'Honourable Fears'Installation
"A photographic installation which explores the absences and spaces that are occupied by the forbidden, the unspeakable, and the Other."
"In Premonitions I am exploring the theme of childhood in contemporary society..."
'The Maternal Abject'
"Through my research and studio practice, I search for what binds me and separates me from my children." related Essay
"This master’s thesis examines the importance of denominational identity among Lebanese immigrants in Montreal. This topic is motivated by three reasons:
1• the longstanding Lebanese debate on the definition of Lebanese identity;
2• the fact that many researchers argue that Lebanese identity, even in a migratory context, is still structured around denominational affiliation;
3• the need to broaden the scope of French Canadian historiography by focussing on migratory and ethnic phenomena.
This research takes as a point of departure the working hypothesis that, in a more secularised environment, the Lebanese immigrants of Montreal can be expected to build a more secular identity. This hypothesis is verified by employing oral history tools. Eleven Lebanese immigrants of Montreal of various denominational affiliations were interviewed in order to understand how they define their identity, their thoughts, while providing information about them and their behaviour, especially as the latter relate to their denominational affiliation. The transcription of these eleven interviews constitutes the corpus analysis."
"In this age of memorials, it is customary to think of architecture as a means of commemoration. Indeed, as a synthetic physical act, architecture has long been a common and prevalent means of giving a commemorative presence to memory. However, by giving physicality to memory, architecture offers simultaneously its means of annihilation, thus becoming an ideal means of achieving its antithesis, oblivion. And just like memory, a finite selective process, architecture inescapably embodies an act of exclusion as well. As such architecture emerges as an ideal vehicle for oblivion as much as it is for memory."
:: Saadi Nikro | Writer
Madness Cannot Be Thought Article
Mahmoud Darwish's Memory for Forgetfulness: August, Beirut, 1982 can be read as a story of language discovering itself in the midst of the Israeli siege of Beirut in 1982. This involves an exploration of language as a transgressive experience of writing and reading, whereby language is creatively and critically experienced as a dense texture of conflictual impulses and developing residues.
Site Map
::: Web site map
::: pointing at folders only.
::: The map was generated using the mapping tools
::: of this project.
Activity Map :: Vector Map Viewer
::: Web site activity map for the last quarter 2003
::: The map is handled by the "map viewer" tool,
::: part of the mapping tools of this project.
::: The "map viewer" is a flash based (version 5 and above)
::: vector map navigator and layer colorizer. In version 2
::: we will be adding a more advanced layer colorizer, a localizer,
::: and a topographer tools.